I was first accused of thinking differently when I started Bible college. All of us had taken a personality test as part of the admission process, but I was the only one of my friends that was asked to stop in for a conversation about my results. Apparently, my results had given them reason for concern, and the administration wanted to have a discussion about it. I was “too open to other ideas” and may actually change my mind if presented with new information. And for a school that prided itself on teaching students what to think, they saw risk. Now, 30 years later, I know they were right. And I’m OK with that.
My understanding of Scripture has changed on many points of doctrine that I learned in that school. I have gone from fundamentalist to charismatic to somewhere in the middle. I have gone from pre-tribulation to pro-rapture, from women keeping silent in church to women sharing in the giftings. But most importantly, I have gone from viewing my faith as a collection of doctrines needing both my adherence and my defense to viewing my faith as a simple relationship with a God who loves me. And it is from that position that I write about Simple Community.
Some may see my writings as an attack on the Church. It’s not. It is a direct response to learning the truth in Jesus parable in Matt 13. He warned us what would happen to the kingdom of God as represented by us humans here on earth and I have seen this parable play out time and time again.
It is also a response to the Americanization of my faith: bigger is better, someone has to be in charge, success is your birthright, your identity is your organization. I see these core values in business every day, and they often drive how Christians present themselves in the world. While none of those ideas are sinful, in and of themselves, they are not Biblical. Neither is the way we do church in America.
I’m going to write about the controversial stuff first to lay a foundation. It will start with defining some terms – I will not be using the word “church” anymore. Then, we will tackle the concept of Spiritual Authority. My only ask is that you prayerfully consider what the Spirit is saying to you through this writing.
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